Example 7: AOT Module

AOT modules are containers of ahead-of-time compiled Taichi kernels. You can compile AOT modules with ti.aot.Module APIs in Python.

After compilation, you can load AOT modules from the filesystem directly like this:

ti::AotModule aot_module =
std::cout << "loaded aot module from filesystem" << std::endl;

But if you want more control over how the module is loaded, you can implement the loading logic yourself, and create the AOT module from data buffer. You can also use tools like bin2c to embed module data in your source code.

std::ifstream f("07-aot-module/assets/module.tcm",
                std::ios::binary | std::ios::in | std::ios::ate);
std::vector<uint8_t> tcm_data(f.tellg());
f.read((char*)tcm_data.data(), tcm_data.size());

ti::AotModule aot_module = runtime.create_aot_module(tcm_data);
std::cout << "created aot module from buffer data" << std::endl;

If you build a Taichi AOT module with the following Python script:

module = ti.aot.Module()

The above C++ code may give the following output:

loaded aot module from filesystem
created aot module from buffer data

Check out this example on Github: https://github.com/PENGUINLIONG/TaichiAotByExamples/tree/main/07-aot-module

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