Example 5: ND-Array

Compared with ti::Memory, ND-array provides a more structured view over the underlying memory.

ND-array is a multi dimensional dense matrix, similar to ndarray in NumPy or Tensor in PyTorch. But they are not exactly the same. Because in simulation and graphics we not only operate on scalars but more often vectors and matrices, Taichi's ND-array thus have generalized the concept of Tensor element. A Tensor can not only contain scalar elements but also vectors and matrices, leading to its elem_shape attribute to represent the dimension of the shape of each element.

You can allocate a host-accessible 4x4 array of 2-component vectors like this:

ti::NdArray<float> arr = runtime.allocate_ndarray<float>({4, 4}, {2}, true);

You can access host-accessible ND-array data from the CPU with read() and write().

Note that ND-array has the same host-accessibility restriction as raw memory allocations. Accessing non-host-accessible ND-arrays from the CPU can lead to unrecoverable program termination (usually segfault).

std::vector<float> canvas(4 * 4 * 2);
for (size_t h = 0; h < 4; ++h) {
  for (size_t w = 0; w < 4; ++w) {
    canvas[(h * 4 + w) * 2 + 0] = (w + 0.5f) / 4.0f;
    canvas[(h * 4 + w) * 2 + 1] = (h + 0.5f) / 4.0f;

To help communicating vectors and matrices between the CPU and the GPU, you can directly read() and write() composite types (structures) from ti::NdArray, as long as the composite type sizes are multiples of ND- array scalar types.

struct Vec2 {
  float x;
  float y;
static_assert(sizeof(Vec2) == sizeof(uint32_t) * 2, "mismatched size");

std::cout << "ndarray data:" << std::setprecision(3) << std::fixed << std::endl;
std::vector<Vec2> canvas2(4 * 4);
for (size_t h = 0; h < 4; ++h) {
  for (size_t w = 0; w < 4; ++w) {
    const Vec2 &vec = canvas2[h * 4 + w];
    std::cout << "(" << vec.x << "," << vec.y << ")" << " ";
  std::cout << std::endl;

The above C++ code may give the following output:

ndarray data:
(0.125,0.125) (0.375,0.125) (0.625,0.125) (0.875,0.125)
(0.125,0.375) (0.375,0.375) (0.625,0.375) (0.875,0.375)
(0.125,0.625) (0.375,0.625) (0.625,0.625) (0.875,0.625)
(0.125,0.875) (0.375,0.875) (0.625,0.875) (0.875,0.875)

Check out this example on Github: https://github.com/PENGUINLIONG/TaichiAotByExamples/tree/main/05-ndarray

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