Example 1: Versioning

Welcome to Taichi AOT by Examples. This is a step-by-step tutorial to help you master everything about Taichi program deployment with ahead-of-time (AOT) compilation and the Taichi Runtime C-API. Because there are already lots of documentation about writing Taichi programs in Python, we will focus on the integration of Taichi Runtime and AOT-compiled kernels in your native applications.

To start with, let's make a simplest API call to ensure the Taichi Runtime is in. We can check the currently install Taichi Runtime version with get_version.

ti::Version version = ti::get_version();

Taichi Runtime version is synchronized with the Python package, and it's recommended to use AOT modules and the runtime library from the same Taichi version.

std::cout << "hello, this is taichi runtime " << version.major() << "."
          << version.minor() << "." << version.patch() << "!" << std::endl;

The above C++ code may give the following output:

hello, this is taichi runtime 1.5.0!

Check out this example on Github: https://github.com/PENGUINLIONG/TaichiAotByExamples/tree/main/01-version

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